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Tactical Mode

The communication of the tactical mode is a way of recording a decision by the incident commander on the completion of the risk assessment and determination of the incident plan.

It indicates the decision by the commander to deploy crews within the hazard area or not. All incidents require tactical modes to be declared at the earliest opportunity following arrival at an incident and at regular intervals thereafter. Where sectors are in place, a tactical mode for each sector is required.

The declaration of the tactical mode at any given point of the incident describes the current level of risk exposure to operational personnel.

There is no default tactical mode. The incident commander should decide their incident plan and associated operational tactics following their risk assessment and decision control process.

The selection of a tactical mode is a conscious decision underpinned by a clear rationale. This is key to assertive, effective and safe incident command delivered by competent commanders, and the avoidance of risk aversion and decision inertia.

Types of Tactical Mode

There are two modes of operation: offensive and defensive.

Using Tactical Mode when Sectors are in Use

When the incident has been divided into sectors, the incident commander remains responsible for the tactical mode at all times. There will be occasions when an operations commander has been appointed. Whilst they may determine or approve a change in tactical mode, the incident commander still retains overall responsibility.

When more than one sector is in use:

No Overall Mode:

  • Where each sector is in offensive mode then the overall mode of the incident is offensive.
  • Where each sector is in defensive mode then the overall mode of the incident will be defensive
  • Where different modes are in use at the same incident, there is no overall mode for the incident.